Who are we?
ROOF is an URBACT Action Planning Network on ending homelessness through housing solutions. We are a network of 9 European cities (Braga, Thessaloniki, Toulouse Métropole, Ghent, Liège, Poznan, Timișoara, Odense, Glasgow). We exchange information on making the shift towards Housing First/Led and on data collection. Each city also develops a local integrated action plan with all its stakeholders.
We believe that change is key, change the mindset and get all levels on the same page. We exchange information and good practices and organise training on what is Housing First, what is ETHOS Light, how do you make the shift…. Knowledge is important and effecting change is just as essential. Whether through engaging people or advocating to change policy. Advocacy and storytelling are key in that. By the end of the project we want to have changed more minds towards data collection and starting or upscaling Housing First/Led and made progress in the local, national and European homelessness and housing policies.